Well, the day is finally here. I am embarking for the nation of Jordan to experience a journalistic tour of the Holy Landsfor 10 days with about 8 other journalists and publishers from around the country. I am excited to see what adventures God takes us down. I will try and post a blog everday so all of you can stay up to date on what is happening to us in Jordan. I will be visiting many biblical historical sites, including: where John the Baptist baptized Jesus, where John the Baptist was beheaded, where Elijah was caught up into Heaven on the Chariot of Fire, where Moses overlooked the Promise Land and one area where they passed through to get to the promise land. I will also be seeing the world renown Petra which was featured in Raiders of the Lost Ark – an Indiana Jones movie, swim in the Dead Sea and the Red Sea, and will visit the Jordan River. Plus, there will be many other historical sites and I will be attending a couple of church services! This truly will be a once in a life time experience and I look forward to sharing it with you.