Had another great day. We started out by attending a Catholic Church and spoke afterward with Father Haddad, the priest. It was an interesting conversation about the Middle East and peace and how Muslims and Christians can coexist together with a mutual respect for one another. However, nothing was really said about religious freedom except that Christians can be a practice what they believe through good works, but not share or convert others an and do good deeds. Then we went to the parliament building and spoke with the President of parliament, another Senator and the General of the Royal Jordanian army. It was also a very interesting conversation about religious freedom in the country and the Middle East. Jordan is much more tolerant of other religions outside of Islam, such as Christianity or Judiasm, but has a ways to go in allowing other religions to proclaim their faith freely to others. Less than 4% of the 6 million plus people in Jordan are Christians and many of them have left Jordan to countries that allow religious tolerance. 

We met with the President of the Jordanian Parliament
Where the Parliament meets when in session.
President of Parliament, another Senator, and General of the Royal Jordanian Army and our journalistic tour group!

We also toured the Citadel, which was the place where King David had Uriah killed in the Old Testiment. It was a fascinating place with many ancient artifacts and ruins from Old Testiment and Roman time periods and it had amazing views to the rest of the city. We finished the day off eating at a very nice dinner overlooking the city of Amman…breathe taking views.

The Citadel near downtown Amman – Place where King David had Uriah killed
From the Citadel overlooking Amman
Dinner at a great restaurant overlooking the Citadel and downtown Amman

Please pray for the Believers in Jordan. There are many challenges that face them daily while living in a predominant Muslim culture. Like I said, less then 4% of the population are Christians and only about 2,500 people claim to be Evangelical.

Another adventure awaits us tomorrow.