When we choose to obey God and follow His leading, our lives can have peace, joy and produce great fruit. There were many great men and woman in the Bible and in generations past that said “yes” when God called them “To Go”. However, many choose to live in disobedience to God’s ways and His instructions for their lives and as a result, unnecessary turmoil befalls them. It not only affects them, but has the potential of affecting, family, friends and various people that come across their path. Will you choose to obey the calling of God on your life and “Go” or will you venture down your own path that leads to destruction in the end? The choice is yours.

Listen to Cory Nickols inspiring and challenging message: Will You Go? It will encourage and challenge you to be quick to walk in obedience to the plan and purpose of God for your life. After all, there are people who need you!

Click here to Listen: Will You Go?