New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day are great times to remember what happened over this past year and to look forward with fresh vision about the future! It is also an opportunity to reflect on where God has brought you from and where He is leading you!

I remember several years ago as I was spending time with God, He spoke to me in a still small voice, “Remember where you came from and remember where you are going.” He spoke something similar to the Israelites as they left Egypt and were about ready to enter the Promise Land. “Remember that you were once slaves in Egypt, but the Lord your God brought you out with his strong hand and powerful arm…” (Deuteronomy 5:15 NLT). God did not want the Israelites to ever forget what He brought them out of – a land of slavery and bondage. He wanted them to be able to tell their children and grandchildren the good things He did for them and how He rescued them from the Egyptians with mighty works and a strong hand!

The same is true for our lives today. God wants us to remember where He brought us from. Many of us lived lifestyles contrary to the things of God and had no clue what it meant to be in relationship with Him! We did things according to our own carnal nature following our sensual impulses. But when God deliveres us from sin and strongholds, He wants us to remember what He took us out of as a memorial to NEVER go back to slavery and bondage. Jesus came to set us free to live a life devoted to Him!

What has God done for you? Has He delivered you from an addiction, pornography, a bad relationship, unforgiveness or selfishness? Maybe He has delivered you from a bad business venture, a sickness or wrong thinking? Maybe God has delivered you from what others have said: “You will never amount to anything…You will never go to college. No one in our family has ever gone.” “No one in our family has ever owned his or her own business…that is for other people…our family is not that lucky.” “No one in our family has ever become a doctor or engineer…we are not that smart.” Have you believed these lies? God has big dreams in store for you and He wants to deliver you from the lies of people and the enemy himself!

I had to learn to stop believing the lies of others and start believing God and His Word! God put a dream in my heart to write and speak in front of lots of people. Some of my family and teachers could not see the dreams God put in my heart and at times discouraged me from pursuing them. As I took steps forward, many told me it was impossible to accomplish these things, however, I trusted God by faith that what He said, He was able to perform and bring to pass. Sure enough, I am writing and speaking to people all over the world and I am continuing to grow into the very shoes God intended for me to fill.

Not only did God speak to me to remember the past, but He commanded me to remember where I was going too. The Bible says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish…” (Proverbs 29:18 KJV). God had a purpose and a mission for me to accomplish. Keeping it before me has helped me stay encouraged when I wanted to quit and give up. It also has helped me stay focused when distractions were present to get me off track.

God not only has a dream for me to fulfill, but He has one for you to accomplish as well! If we do not gain clarity of our God given destiny, we aimlessly go about life with no real drive or purpose. The Bible says, “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” God has predestined us for a purpose. Along this journey, there will be times you and I will want to quit and give up or get distracted by the cares of this world. Remember where you are going! It will help you stay your God-given course even though you might be tempted to take a detour!

No matter where you find yourself today, God is encouraging you to trust Him and let Him steer your life into a meaningful direction. It will not always be comfortable, but it will be filled with excitement and adventure! Are you up for the task?