I had a conversation with a man today about what I did for a living. During our chat, I shared that I was a Christian writer, blogger and public speaker. He proceeded to say, “I like writing, but I won’t write opinion pieces because I want people to like me.”  The moment he said that I was sadden and was reminded of this scripture, “Woe to (alas for) you when everyone speaks fairly and handsomely of you and praises you, for even so their forefathers did to the false prophets” (Luke 6:26 AMP).  If everyone speaks well of us, we are not taking a stand for what is right and true.  In other words, we keep quiet because we are afraid of conflict or confrontation! God wants us to speak the truth in love and be ready to share the hope that is in a relationship with Christ. The Bible also says, “Blessed (happy–with life-joy and satisfaction in God’s favor and salvation, apart from your outward condition–and to be envied) are you when people despise (hate) you, and when they exclude and excommunicate you

[as disreputable] and revile and denounce you and defame and cast out and spurn your name as evil (wicked) on account of the Son of Man. Rejoice and be glad at such a time and exult and leap for joy, for behold, your reward is rich and great and strong and intense and abundant in heaven; for even so their forefathers treated the prophets” (Luke 6:22-23 AMP).

Don’t be afraid to take a stand for Jesus Christ. Maybe your family or friends don’t like that you just became a Christian – they almost resent the fact that you are growing in your relationship with God…it makes them feel uncomfortable. Their indifference or rebellious attitude toward God is being brought to light and it causes them to say nasty comments toward you. The Bible says when that happens you are blessed because you are standing up for God and what He means to you!

As a young Believer, I had always been so scared of conflict that I avoided talking about Christ with people. Then in college, God filled me with His Holy Spirit and began to teach me about walking in His power. When I relied on God and His strength, He gave me supernatural boldness to take a stand for Him opening the door for great opportunities. I remember one specific day in particular. Our small group had just ended and I was talking with some guys who attended the group with me. It happened to be in a busy hallway area of the dorm so people would walk by our conversation every once in a while. As we discussed the topic of the night, a young man turned around as he walked by and said, “I disagree with what you just said.” He went on an angry rant about how God was not relevant for today. I sensed the Holy Spirit speak to me in my heart, “Cory, don’t be afraid, I am speaking through you.” As we began talking, more and more people started to gather in the hallway to listen to us. Then three more people started attacking me about my relationship with Jesus Christ and how Christianity and God could not possibly be valid or true. As I addressed each of them, more people started to pack the hallway to the point no one could get through. Then, one of the four got right in my face and said to me, “Take back what you said about Jesus Christ being the only way to Heaven!” I responded by saying, “I can’t. He is the only way to Heaven!!” I turned to everyone who was gathered to listen and shared the gospel explaining that each of them could experience God’s unconditional love in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The entire time I was talking, my legs were shaking. I was so nervous, but God gave me the boldness to be a witness for Him!

People will hate us just because we love God and want to follow Him. Don’t get discouraged  – be encouraged. Many godly men and women faced opposition for doing the will of God. Two days ago was Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day. The day represents a man who stood up against injustice and paved the way for real change in our country. His dream actually became a reality! Why? Because he refused to keep quiet even if it ruffled people’s feathers! He faced enormous opposition, yet declared the truths of the Bible with boldness bringing equality to all men and women! Dr. King said, “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”

Are you being silent while others suffer or are headed off a cliff?

Let us not keep quiet. Ask God for His supernatural boldness and strength to take a stand against the atrocities in our world today and help others discover Jesus Christ! There are people who need to hear the truth that God loves them. He wants to use us to make a difference in this world. Who knows, the truths you speak could change a person, a family, a city…even a nation!