If you are alive today, you got here because of your dad! He might not be perfect, he might not have made all the right decisions for you in life, but he is still your dad and is worthy of honor. The Bible teaches us to honor our parents regardless of whether they did everything perfectly or not. And being Father’s Day, what not a better way to show your dad that you love him and are thinking about him, than by giving him a call or sending him a card expressing how much he means to you!

I love my dad so much. He was not perfect growing up. In fact, it was his imperfections that taught me the most about life and how to live it to the fullest. You see, my dad pointed me to the one who could handle his imperfections, as well as mine – our loving Heavenly Father! My dad taught me to run to Jesus and ask Him to come into my heart and forgive me of all my mistakes! My dad taught me to not be dependent on my own ability, but on the One who has all power in His hands. My dad taught me to love people when they’re down and out. He taught me to be there for family and friends when they are facing hard times and rejoice when they are successful.

My dad came to my games and cheered me on even when it was a huge sacrifice for him to leave work. My dad showed me how to be a fighter in life…when I get knocked down, I need to get back up and keep pressing on! My dad taught me how to forget my past mistakes and look forward to my future in God. Yes, that’s my dad! My dad told me the truth even when I didn’t want to hear it. He taught me about buying a house, buying a car, about dating and how to weather the storms no matter how big. He taught me how to treat people with respect and value them for who they are and not what they do! But I think most importantly, he showed me unconditional love! It was his unending love that taught me what God’s love was really like and for that I am forever grateful! Yes, that’s my dad! I am so proud to be his son and consider it a great honor to do life with him on a regular basis!

Maybe you’re thinking you wish you had a dad that could’ve been there for you – to teach you the ropes of life and someone you could turn to in the midnight hour.” Well, I have good news! The God who created all things wants to be a Father to you! He is a Father to the fatherless and He will teach you everything you need to know on this journey. He is ever present in your time of need and He wants you to reach out to Him by faith through prayer. He will meet you in your darkest hour and will cheer you on in your success. He will love you no matter how many mistakes you have made and will offer acceptance into His family through faith in His Son! Yes, He is your Heavenly Father.

If you have a broken relationship with your dad, I pray you will take steps to forgive him and let him know how much you love and care for him! God can mend any broken relationship and make it better than the former years. God did it for me and can do it for you!

Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers, and especially, my dad! You’re the best dad in the world!