I woke up very early this morning with little sleep thenight before due to jetlag. None the less, I felt energized due to the amountof excitement running through my bones! We ate an amazing breakfast at thehotel, Jordanian style and then headed to the North of Jordan. We spent a goodamount of time at the ancient ruins of Gadara taking pictures and learningabout the Decapolis city of Gadara – a Greco-Roman remains. This was the placewhere Jesus cast out the demons out of two demon-possessed men and let them gointo a herd of pigs (Matthew 8:28-34).
This site was so amazing. There were many ancient romancolumns and a the remains of a church.

Also, there was an amphitheater that was spectacular. I feltso honored to stand in it and once where there were great orators and actorsand actresses performing for the people of the day.

Also, there was a lookout where you could see the Sea ofGalilee (modern day Lake Tiberias), Israel and the top of a mountain peak whereJesus’ transfiguration took place.
We continued to explore many ruins at this site. I love the richhistory of this part of the world!

Next, we ate at a Lebanese restaurant, which had deliciousfood in the city of Jerash or ancient Gerasa. This was thought to be the placewhere Jesus turned water into wine. It had the most spectacular ruins…a huge colonnade,amphitheater, the temple of Zeus and Artimetes, a horse track and many otherfountain ruins and beautiful scenery.

We went back to the hotel to change and head to a churchservice. I met some amazing Christians and saw their hearts ablaze for Jesus Christ! God is so amazing. He raises up people that will carry His heart tothe ends of the earth!