Our journalistic team arrived in Jordan on a Royal JordanianAirplane on Friday evening at 5:45pm. It was a very relaxing 12 hour flight. Weeach had our own TV monitor and could watch an array of movies, play games, orlisten to music at our own leisure. We were provided a dinner and an earlymorning breakfast, even though it was really like 3:00 in the afternoon in theMiddle East. When we arrived at the airport, I noticed they were building abrand new state of the art airport connecting the older one. It was incredibleand very modern looking! Upon arrival, we were greeted by out tourism guidesand they showed us through customs and even paid for our visas into thecountry.

Flying over Israel and Jordan was a site to see. It was alot more modern than I had anticipated and the roads were very much like theStates. Although there was an immense desert landscape that just seemed tonever end. Once we left the airport on our bus, we headed toward the beautiful cityof Amman. We drove around a very nice section of the city and the AmericanEmbassy, which was a magnificent building. We were advised not to take picturesof the building for untold reasons. At a first glance, the modern architectureof the city, the roadway systems and the restaurants within Amman reminds me ofany advanced culture, way more so than the nation of Haiti that I was just in.

We ate at amazing restaurant tonight called the Blue Fig. Itwas a very modern looking and the food was exceptional. Everyone enjoyed thecandle lit dinner out on the patio. Once we were done eating dinner, weventured over to the Intercontinental Hotel near downtown Amman. It is luxuryat its finest.

Unable to sleep, I am up writing my first blog entry of ouradventure at 4am and while contemplating what to journal, I hear some type ofmusic playing all over the city. I assume it has something to do with theMuslim culture we are in, however, I am not sure.

Breakfast comes quite early, followed by a full day in theNorth of Jordan.

More to write soon