Social media has become part of our everyday lives for much of the world. In fact, according to one study, almost four billion people now use at least one social media platform. Here in the United States, according to the same study, the average number of social media accounts a person has is seven. Family, friends, businesses, sports figures, artists, celebrities, communicators alike use these platforms to share their latest happenings, whether it’s how they are feeling, their opinions on current events, their soapbox tirades, political biases, personal talents and the list goes on. Some individuals have even amassed millions of followers. Their fans subscribe to their channel, follow their tweets or Instagram posts and stories or become Facebook friends. People spend hours and hours a week scrolling and consuming endless amounts of content from those they follow. Now here’s the question: Are the people you are following worth it? Are they worth you being influenced by them? The information we allow into our hearts and minds will begin to sway us over time for good or bad. Again, are the people you are allowing to speak into your life good for you? Are they helping lead you into your God-given destiny and a deeper relationship with God?

Social media in itself isn’t bad. In fact, it can be used for great good. One can use their platform to uplift and benefit others or one can even receive encouragement by the content they receive from someone else they follow. The key is to be careful what you allow into your mind and heart. Don’t just let anyone speak into your life. Guard your heart. Not all things are equal. This past year we have all witnessed and some may have even participated in or been on the receiving end of toxic word battles over politics, covid, border control, race and various injustices. Much of social media and even the news has filled the internet and airwaves with a frenzy of hatred, anger, fear, unrest, division, disunity and all kinds of nasty behaviors. Yet, it doesn’t have to be so for you or me. We can choose to limit what we consume and who we follow. And, we can choose to receive from people who are being a positive influence.

This brings me to my main point. I want to tell you about someone worth following. His name is Jesus, the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, the Christ – Savior of the World. No one has walked this planet that has had more impact and influence than Jesus did. He was full of compassion, love and mercy. He stood up for those that couldn’t stand up for themselves and always stood on the side of justice. He saw the best in people and told them what they could become in God. He went around doing good, healing the sick, raising the dead and giving people back their dignity. People were drawn to Him; they felt safe in His presence. This is the one invitation He kept giving to those He encountered, “Follow Me.” And He is still inviting people today to follow Him, including YOU! You see, not even the grave could hold Him down. He took upon Himself the sin of the world, that whoever would believe in Him, would not perish but have eternal life! And He proved it by being raised from the dead, conquering sin and the power it had over mankind.

As you follow Jesus and consume His content, He will begin to transform you from the inside out, helping you see the world, people, even yourself from a proper perspective. His Word is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword and it will shape you and give you the wisdom you need to navigate life’s challenges. Jesus will fill you with Himself, the Living Water, that will cause you to overflow with the fruit of the Spirit, which is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control. Jesus took 12 self-centered, egotistical, self-righteous, contentious individuals and transformed them into 12 Apostles that turned the world upside down for good, showing Christ’s unconditional love to people everywhere. He even used them to launch His church that is still going strong today. What did all 12 of these disciples have in common? They spent time with Jesus, downloading His content. Over the centuries, Jesus has melted the hardest hearts and has given those undeserving of a second chance the invitation to become part of His eternal family. Christ has the power to save you from your sin and give you peace that surpasses all your understanding. He can give you the wisdom and insight you need to restore broken relationships, make good business decisions and lead you into the most rewarding life possible. He holds the keys to everything you’ll need in this life and the life to come and His great desire is to be in a close relationship with you. He has had and continues to have billions of followers and He’s worth every bit of your time and energy.  

Take inventory of who you are following and see if they’ve been a good influence on you. Maybe it’s time to start unfollowing some people, and I’m not just talking about on social media. Are there any relationships that come to mind that are having a toxic effect on you? Maybe it’s time to turn off the news. Regularly, their goal is to create shock and awe. Our minds weren’t meant to consume so much negative information. Instead, start following Jesus. Consume His content. Get in a daily habit of flipping open the Bible and read what’s on God’s heart. Spend time in prayer and let Him speak to you, depositing information that will set you free and help you experience His incredible love and plan for your life. Following Jesus will cause you to live the most rewarding life possible. So, what are you waiting for? Start following Jesus today.