I’ve always been fascinated with architecture, especially tall skyscrapers. As early as I can remember, I would look forward to our family vacations because we would drive through many large cities on our way down to Florida. This meant I had the chance to see tall buildings as we made our way through the various city centers. To say I was mesmerized would be an understatement. The taller the building, the more impressive the skyline, the more excited I got.

A skyscraper itself is a giant behemoth of a building, rising above the clutter on the horizon, a landmark for all to see, an engineering wonder. So, how can all that weight support itself? Or how can one of these enormous mega structures withstand the natural elements that beat against it every single day? It all starts with the foundation. Before a single beam of steel or concrete column can be erected, protruding from the ground, the foundation needs to be carefully designed and constructed, anchoring itself deep into the earth to something solid – bedrock. Soil samples need to be taken to determine the type of soil the building will be resting on. Different soil types have different densities, and therefore, affect the stability and integrity of the structure. After careful planning, engineers then determine the depth footings need to be drilled and formed, which are determined by how deep the bedrock is. In some cases, these footings or piles can go as deep as 250+ feet below ground before being attached or driven into solid rock. Every mega structure’s foundation is unique and requires meticulous precision. The entire success of the building that you and I see and will enjoy for decades to come depends upon the strength and integrity of its foundation.

And the same is true for us as human beings. If we are going to live successful lives in God’s eyes and fulfill our purpose on the earth, a solid foundation needs to be laid on which to build from. Without it, our lives will crumble under the pressure and weight of trials, storms and the attacks of the Devil. So what is the type of foundation that will lead to a successful life despite unexpected turns and difficulties? The Bible has the answer. Jesus said in Luke 6:46-49 NLT,

“So why do you keep calling me ‘Lord, Lord!’ when you don’t do what I say? I will show you what it’s like when someone comes to me, listens to my teaching, and then follows it. It is like a person building a house who digs deep and lays the foundation on solid rock. When the floodwaters rise and break against that house, it stands firm because it is well built. But anyone who hears and doesn’t obey is like a person who builds a house right on the ground, without a foundation. When the floods sweep down against that house, it will collapse into a heap of ruins.”

When we take time each day to spend with God and learn from Him, placing Him first place in our lives and putting into practice the principles and precepts He reveals to us, our lives are being set on a solid foundation – Christ himself. The storms of life will come – a financial collapse, the loss of a job, the death of a loved one, a virus pandemic, a child getting off course, your spouse leaves you, critics speaking evil of you or some type of sickness that takes a hold of you or a loved one…etc. These challenges will come. The Christian is not immune to life’s struggles or difficulties. Yet, despite those waves crashing against you or me, because we have placed Christ at the center of our lives, doing what He says, these trials, challenges or attacks of the enemy won’t defeat us. You will stay strong and at peace knowing God is with you, He is for you and He is faithful to help you finish your God-given destiny. Yes, there are things we won’t understand this side of Heaven, but we know the One who knows all things and is holding the Universe together. He will walk through each valley with you and me, and when we come out on the other side, we will be stronger, more resilient, having a deeper resolve that God is faithful and He can be trusted. Nothing can snatch you out of His hand, nothing can separate you from His love and no storm or Devil can stop you from fulfilling your God-given destiny. The number of your days that God has ordained for you, you will fulfill.

In saying that, when we choose to go our own way apart from God’s guidance and direction, we are setting ourselves up for trouble. It’s like we are building a house on shifting sand. When the storms come, and they will, they will beat against our house (our lives), and because our foundation is made up of materials other than Christ, the Solid Rock, and His teachings, we will be swept away and defeated. It doesn’t take long to discover when watching the news that the world is filled with brokenness, destructive behaviors, war, greed, selfishness and evil of all kinds. People are trying to do life independently from God, and the results are very sad – destroyed marriages, relationships, families, careers, God-given dreams dashed, confusion and unrest. The Bible teaches us that if we are to bear much fruit we have to stay connected to the Vine (Jesus). Otherwise, we (the branches) will shrivel up and die (see John 15:4).

I grew up in a Christian family and I eventually placed my trust in Christ when I was 6 years old. However, I didn’t know how to grow in my relationship with God. I read my Bible and prayed, but all of my energy was spent trying to get God to bless my “great agenda and plan”. I didn’t understand that God actually had a purpose for my life. So, much of my adolescent years was spent being frustrated because God wasn’t in tune with my master plan. One day during my freshman year of college, I prayed this simple prayer, “God, I want to know you and I don’t understand your grace completely. Please teach me who you are and about your grace.” That very night I was woken up in the middle of the night and all these negative thoughts flooded my mind, How do you know your God is real? Prove it to me? I jumped out of bed to go read the Bible, but these nagging thoughts kept bombarding my mind, What if this is a lie? I don’t want to believe a lie the rest of my life. Fear, real fear, gripped me for the first time I can remember. I was in a cloud of confusion from that day forward. It was a massive storm.

This went on for 4.5 months. I tried everything to get rid of these relentless thoughts, but nothing worked. I talked with my pastor to no avail. I spoke with friends, but that didn’t help. Eventually I sank deep into depression and tried to sleep the problem away. That didn’t work either. Every waking moment these thoughts of doubt tormented me. I would cry myself to sleep every night. To make matters worse, I applied to go on this missions trip with Campus Crusade For Christ (now called Cru), and got accepted. I thought to myself, there is no way I can go on this mission trip. I am the biggest doubter there is. Even suicide thoughts started plaguing my mind, “Cory, just end your life. If God really loved you, He wouldn’t let you go through this. He has abandoned you. Just end your life and get it over with.” These crazy thoughts sounded like my own, but I realized they weren’t mine. So I began rejecting them and I became more determined than ever to seek God with all my heart. School finally ended and it was summer time.

One month before I was scheduled to go on this mission trip, I was working for a landscape company, installing landscape designs. On one particular day, I was asked to go water the plants of a large install that we recently did. I was by myself, which scared me, because that meant I would be consumed with thoughts of doubt and the uncertainty of life all day long. I was literally at my wits end. All my options were up. My intellect couldn’t save me, other people couldn’t save me and nothing else I tried could save me. In absolute humility, I cried out to God with all my might and said, “Jesus, I believe you are who you say you are, but I just don’t know anymore. Help!!! Speak to me. Do something.”

Deep on the inside, God spoke to me in a still small voice, “Cory, the battle you are going through belongs to me. I love you; you are my child.” His voice cut through all the confusion and turmoil I had experienced the past 4.5 months. At that same moment, a Scripture I had memorized earlier in my life came back into my memory,

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand” (Isaiah 41:10 NIV).

God was letting me know that He was with me and watching over me. In fact, one day shortly after this experience I had, I was praying and asking God, “Why did You let me go through that difficulty?” This was His answer from Scripture:

“I am the true grapevine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch of Mine that doesn’t produce fruit, and He prunes the branches that do bear fruit so they will produce even more” (John 15:1-2 NLT).

God was exposing areas of my life that I was living independently from Him. My foundation was faulty. When the storm came, I had no peace, I had no confidence in God and I sank fast! My whole existence up until I was 20 years old was to convince God that my plan was best. To me, God was like a genie in a bottle. Grant my three wishes and all will be okay. I didn’t understand that the Creator of the Universe actually had a plan and purpose for my life and as I sought after Him with all my heart, He would reveal Himself to me and that plan. His greatest desire was to have an incredible loving relationship with me. And He wanted to direct my steps, leading me into all the good things He had in store for me.

The Book of Proverbs says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take” (Proverbs 3:5-6 NLT).

On another occasion shortly after God brought me out of that difficult trial, I was praying and God spoke to me, “Cory, you have finally given me the thrown of your life.” God was letting me know that I had finally surrendered to Him and was willing to submit to His leadership and lordship. I was willing to go where He wanted me to go and I was willing to say whatever He wanted me to say. It was like I was looking through a whole new lens on life. The God of the Bible was alive and interested in me! I was filled with an unexplainable peace, a peace that surpasses all understanding. I had joy, real joy. I was experiencing the authentic love of God and was so grateful for His mercy and grace. I finally realized that the Christian life was about yielding to the authority and leadership of Christ and His teachings. The inspired Word of God, the Bible, became alive to me and it helped me get to know God in such a deep, meaningful way ever since. That was 20 years ago.

Since that time, I have weathered many storms. I’ve had one of my best friends killed in a car accident, my dad had 3 massive heart attacks and almost died each time, my aunt died prematurely due to unexpected cancer, I endured a financial collapse in 2008 where I literally lost everything, including my house and, despite being abused as a minor, I was able to forgive the person that abused me. In addition, I’ve continued to get back up each time I’ve made mistakes on my own journey, despite the accusing voice of the enemy. How is that possible? Because my foundation is now being built on something solid, an immovable Rock, the Chief Cornerstone – Christ Himself. What a miracle and testimony of God’s grace and power. I can honestly say – I’m still standing…and thriving!

In Christ we are more than conquerors, victorious, forgiven, righteous, sons and daughters of God, loved, valued and favored. In Christ, we have peace, hope and joy that goes beyond our external circumstances. God is walking with us every step of the way.

The question I want to ask you is this: Are you trying to live life your own way, by your own rules? Are you trying to get God to bless “your plan” and “your agenda”? If that’s you, just like me, it’s time to release the grip of the steering wheel of your life and let God take control. His divine plan for you is best! Spend time with Him daily reading the Bible and in prayer and truly seek Him. He will help you learn His ways and give you strength so you can apply His teachings to your life. When you do, your life will be built on a solid foundation, Jesus Christ. The storms will come, but they won’t destroy you. You will still be standing and you will step into all the good things God has in store for you.